Complete Teachings on Shantideva’s Way of the Bodhisattva
To facilitate students’ experience of the complete cycle of teachings, Trinlay Rinpoche taught an entire course on The Way of the Bodhisattva while touring the North American Bodhi Path centers and made available digital video and audio recordings of each session. The intention is that Bodhi Path Centers, Study Groups, and the public at large may use the course recordings to deepen their understanding of these rare and important teachings. One of the most famous and best-loved Buddhist texts, The Way of the Bodhisattva, is a guide to developing inner qualities such as compassion, generosity, and wisdom.
The complete course encompasses over 80 sessions taught at 14 centers, totaling more than 100 hours of teachings and Q&A. All sessions were recorded with high-quality audio and video.
Access to the Recordings
by Shamar Rinpoche
Several introductory talks are covered that include topics such as “The Importance of Love [maitri in Sanskrit], and an “Overview of The Way of the Bodhisattva.” You can subscribe to access the complete set of recordings or just a few segments, your choice.
More about the Tour
by Shamar Rinpoche
edited and translated by Lara Braitstein
Karma Trinlay Rinpoche taught on Shantideva’s 8th century spiritual gem The Way of the Bodhisattva (Bodhicaryavatara) at Bodhi Path Buddhist Centers throughout North America.
Rinpoche taught a different aspect of The Way of the Bodhisattva at each center. Public talks were also held in a number of cities, on fundamental topics related to meditation and applying the Buddhist worldview in everyday life.
Recordings are available, which are supported by study groups that form periodically at local centers or used in individual study.
Trinlay Rinpoche in the News
by Shamar Rinpoche
edited and translated by Tina Draszczyk
Trinlay Rinpoche has been featured in various press articles.
- Tricycle Magazine: The Seeds of Life (Fall 2012)
- Tricycle Magazine: East is West (Summer 2005)
- Tricycle Magazine: What We’ve Been All Along (Summer 2014)
- New Times: Words from the Wise, San Luis Obispo, CA (April 24, 2013)
- Calgary Herald: Calgary, Alberta (September 27, 2013)
Tricycle Magazine articles reprinted courtesy of Tricycle: The Buddhist Review.
Introductory Teachings
For people who are new to Buddhism, these teachings provide a good starting place. As part of your introduction, we recommend consulting a qualified Buddhist teacher.

Calming Our Minds is the First Step
by Shamar Rinpoche
“Today, I will give you instructions about mind nature that will be helpful for your meditation. And, I will give you reasons for doing the shamatha or calm-abiding meditation practice . . .”

Introduction to Meditation
by Karma Trinlay Rinpoche
A brief introduction into why we meditate, and an overview of the physical and mental posture for calm-abiding meditation practice.
Visit the Teachings Library
Access our collection of Bodhi Path Dharma teachings archived in our Teachings Library.
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