About Bodhi Path
Bodhi Path is an international organization of Buddhist centers founded by the 14th Shamar Rinpoche (Shamarpa). Bodhi Path centers provide authentic teachings presented in a contemporary manner.Bodhi Path teachers provide instruction in Buddhist meditation and philosophy, and offer guidance for practicing Buddhism.

About Bodhi Path
Bodhi Path is an international organization of Buddhist centers founded by the 14th Shamarpa (Shamar Rinpoche). Bodhi Path centers provide authentic teachings presented in a contemporary manner. Bodhi Path teachers provide instruction in Buddhist meditation and philosophy, and offer guidance for practicing Buddhism.

About Buddhism
Buddha Shakyamuni
The Buddha Shakyamuni was born in Lumbini, Nepal as prince Siddhartha in 563 B.C. and lived to be eighty years old. As a young man, Siddhartha left the pleasures of royal life in search of an end to the miseries of existence. After quickly perfecting the meditation practices taught by the most advanced teachers of his time, Siddhartha realized that enlightenment co uld not be attained by extreme methods of asceticism or by achievement of concentration states. By practicing the middle way of gently examining the nature of his own mind he attained buddhahood, the enlightened state.
Over the next fifty years and until his death, Buddha Shakyamuni gave many different kinds of teachings in order to accommodate the various capacities of beings. Although the Buddha gave only oral teachings, his early disciples recorded his teachings and instructions and thus passed them on in their original form. All these teachings are included in what are known as the sutrayana and the tantrayana.

About Buddhism
Continuing Lineage
Accomplished Buddhist sages and scholars also authored many treatises that explain the meaning of the Buddha’s teachings. The emphasis was on the authentic and accurate transmission of the teachings as this is of prime importance. Over the centuries different lines of transmission, each with its own characteristics, came about.
Buddhism in Tibet includes all the teachings that originated in India. Through the effort of Indian and Tibetan lineages, the whole corpus of Buddhist teachings was translated into Tibetan. Thus, Buddhism flourished in Tibet as the national religion until the middle of the 20th century when China invaded Tibet.

Authentic Buddhist Tradition
Two Rivers Joined Lineage:
Mahamudra & Lojong
Bodhi Path offers a curriculum for meditation practice and study that is rooted in authentic Dharma teachings and is suited to the needs and conditions of modern-day Dharma practitioners.
The Bodhi Path teachings on training the mind (Lojong) are followed by the tradition of the highly realized and accomplished Gampopa (1079–1153) who joined the Kadampa instructions of Atisha with Mahamudra teachings from the tradition of the great Indian Mahasiddha Saraha. This oral transmission is known as the “Two Rivers Joined” (bka phyag chu bo gnyis dres) tradition of Mind Training.
Texts in the Kangyur
(words of the Buddha)
Texts in the Tengyur
(commentaries by Indian masters)
Songs of the great yogi Milarepa
Source for Kangyur and Tengyur Data: 84000 Translating the Words of the Buddha