Lineage Practices
Compiled by Shamar Rinpoche
These practices require advanced training and individual guidance from a qualified master. Only brief information is provided here.
Practice of Chenrezig (Avalokitesvara)
- Take Refuge, Pratimoksha (the lay or monastic vows), and Bodhisattva vows. Cultivate shamatha during one month, focusing on the image of the Buddha with devotion in order to mature the mind.
- Accomplish the preliminary practice of the 35 Buddhas (minimum 30,000 prostrations and Mandala offerings).
- Receive the Gomlung of Marpa’s exceptional yidam Vajrasattva, and accomplish the recitation of his mantra (minimum 30,000).
- Do the Tonglen practice of The 7 Points of Mind Training during one month.
- Receive the Avalokiteshvara Gomlun g of the Tangtong Gyalpo tradition and study the commentary written by the 15th Karmapa. From this point on, always rely on Avalokiteshvara as your principal yidam.
- Receive the instructions of the practice combining Mahamudra and Dzokchen according to the Karma Kagyu tradition and cultivate it continuously, like the flow of a river.
Those who wish to do strict retreat must learn the three subjects of tantra before receiving the extensive empowerment of Avalokiteshvara, then accomplish the required recitations. As for the completion phase, do the combined practice of Mahamudra and Dzokchen as specified above.

Practice of Amitabha
- Take Refuge, Pratimoksha (the lay or monastic vows), and Bodhisattva vows. Cultivate shamatha during one month, focusing on the image of the Buddha with devotion in order to mature the mind.
- Take the Bodhisattva vows belonging to the profound view tradition.
- Read the Sutras related to Buddha Amitabha and study the commentary by Karma Chagme on the aspiration prayers to take rebirth in Sukhavati.
- Accumulate merit and purify negative karma through 100,000 accumulations of Mandala offerings and prostrations to the 35 Buddhas.
- Continuously recite the short sutra ritual of offering to Buddha Amitabha.
- Do the Tonglen practice of The 7 Points of Mind Training every day.
- If one follows the Vajrayana path, one should receive the empowerment of Buddha Amitabha according to the Namcho tradition.
- Do the Buddha Amitabha Sadhana of the Namcho tradition, accumulating 100,000 recitations of the mantra.
- Do the daily Sadhana of the Namcho tradition with the accumulation of mantras in combination with Powa training until the appropriate signs appear.
- Do the Long Life Practice as it is explained in the main Sadhana.
Karma Kagyu Mahamudra Practice
(Lineage Practice.)
- Take Refuge, Pratimoksha (the lay or monastic vows), and Bodhisattva vows. Cultivate shamatha during one month, focusing on the image of the Buddha with devotion in order to mature the mind.
- Either: Accomplish the preliminary practice of the 35 Buddhas (100,000 prostrations and Mandala offerings), and 100,000 recitations of the Vajrasattva mantra. Or: Accomplish the Karma Kagyu Four Foundations practices written by the 9th Karmapa.
- In order to subdue mental agitation, cultivate shamatha during one month, focusing on counting the cycles of the breath.
- Do the Tonglen practice of The 7 Points of Mind Training during three months.
- Study the 3 subjects of Vajrayana.
- Study the instructions on loving kindness and compassion by the 8th Karmapa and do the training during one month.
- Receive the empowerment of the Guru Yoga of Milarepa and practice the Sadhana daily.
- Study and practice Dispelling the Darkness of Ignorance, the profound Mahamudra instructions by the 9th Karmapa.
Those who wish to enter strict retreat should:
- Receive the empowerment of the 9 Deity Red Avalokiteshvara (Gyalwa Gyamtso).
- Study the instructions by the 5th Shamarpa as well as those by Karma Chagmeon the Sadhana of Red Avalokiteshvara.
- Accomplish the required recitations of the mantra of Red Avalokiteshvara.
- Cultivate the completion phase according to the profound instructions of Mahamudra by the 9th Karmapa continuously, like the flow of a river.

Kagyu Mahamudra Practice
The Stages of Practice in relation to the Blessing received from the Short Supplication to Vajradhara and the Lineage Holders.
- Take Refuge, Pratimoksha (the lay or monastic vows), and Bodhisattva vows. Cultivate shamatha during one month, focusing on the image of the Buddha with devotion in order to mature the mind.
- Study the instructions on the short supplication to Vajradhara and the lineage holders (the Dorje Chang Toungma).
- Either: Accomplish the preliminary practice of the 35 Buddhas (100,000 prostrations and Mandala offerings) and the recitation of the Vajrasattva mantra (100,000). Or: Accomplish the Kagyu Four Foundations practices written by the 14th Kunzig Shamarpa, based on instructions of the 8th Karmapa.
- Cultivate basic shamatha focusing on the cycles of breath during one month.
- Do the Tonglen practice of The 7 Points of Mind Training during three months.
- Study the three subjects of Vajrayana.
- Receive the empowerment of the Guru Yoga of Milarepa and do the Sadhana practice.
- Study the instructions on loving kindness and compassion by Tsangpa Gyare, the Mahamudra instructions by Pema Karpo, the Mahamudra instructions by the 3rd Karmapa, and the Ronyom Kordruk according to the instructions written by the 2nd Shamarpa.
Those who wish to go into strict retreat should:
Receive the 5 Deity Chakrasamvara empowerment, do the completion phase as detailed in point 8 (above), accomplish the required recitations, and pursue the practice continuously, like the flow of a river.
Highest Practice for Enlightenment
(Lineage Practice.)
- Study The Seven Points of Mind Training [Lojong] and do the practice intensively for at least three years.
- After one year, receive the secret ultimate mind training (lojong) instructions from a qualified instructor. These instructions are the key to penetrating emptiness (shunyata) and are received by oral transmission only. While Mind Training belongs generally to the Kadam lineage, the Kagyu has a special tradition developed by Gampopa (1079 – 1153), who joined the Kadampa instructions with the Mahamudra teachings passed along from the time of the great Indian Mahasiddha Saraha. This oral transmission is known as “Two Rivers Joined” (bka‚ phyag chu wo chig drey) and represents a distinctly Kagyu tradition of Mind Training. This special, highest teaching is not written in any texts (including Mahamudra, Madhyamaka, and Maha Ati texts) and can only be learned from a qualified teacher. After receiving it, do this practice continuously.
- Members of Bodhi Path centers in the past could receive this transmission from the 14th Shamarpa, who himself received this oral transmission lineage from the 10th Pawo Rinpoche, a disciple of the 15th Karmapa.

Below: Gampopa 18th c. © Himalayan Art Collection