Dates: Weeklong program April 9-15

Teacher: Dharma Teacher Khaydroup

Description Excerpt: This is a rare opportunity to set aside our normal routines, unplug from distractions, and allow ourselves to experience the true relief that comes from cultivating a quiet mind and an open heart. Learning to be gentle with ourselves and “to relax in the doing” is liberating and transformative. Which practice you do during the session can vary. Some of you will focus on sitting practice, others Ngondro, others on a particular visualization, generally called “deity” practice, and some will do combinations of the above. This is up to you. In addition, we will offer morning Yoga sessions and evening Feldenkrais sessions as well as a daily Dharma talk.

This year the organizers are making the retreat more accessible to everyone by inviting you to participate according to your own schedule. There will be sessions from 6 am until 8 pm, Eastern & Pacific times slots, so there will be plenty of opportunities for you to sit in on a session, even if it’s for only one session a day.

Registration Information: Hosted by the Bodhi Path Pasadena Center. Registration open until April 6.