VA Reliquary Daytime
Natural Bridge, VA, USA


Golden Reliquary Stupa

Relics of the 14th Shamar Rinpoche (1952-2014), have been placed in golden stupas in a few locations around the world. In the U.S., a golden reliquary stupa is housed inside a jewel-box building at the Bodhi Path Retreat Center of Natural Bridge, VA.

A site was chosen on the same hill (“Buddha Hill”) as the timber-framed pavilion called the Buddha Pavilion. To begin, the project organizers cleared the site, and then high lamas and Dharma teachers conducted ceremonies to bless the land and consecrate the stupa. Next, organizers installed a beautiful, landscaped path, so visitors could enjoy a serene environment while strolling between the reliquary stupa site and the pavilion.

SHAMARPA Method and Retreats

At the center, Shamarpa methods and wisdom can be experienced in many ways and forms, including formal group retreats and personal retreat, resource for practice, and multiple sacred monuments.

Resource For Practice

SHAMARPA practices are provided for your visit to this sacred site. For your convenience, you may download the mantra card.

Shamar Mipham Chökyi Lodrö’s Reliquary Practice - VA