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Please join us for a three-and-a-half day Winter Meditation Retreat led by Dharma Teacher Tsony at Bodhi Path Natural Bridge, February 27–March 2, 2025 (please register here).
9am–5:30pm Thursday through Saturday, February 27, 28, and March 1st.
9am–12noon Sunday March 2, joining with our regular Sunday program participants.
The Song of the Bodhi Path
The great realized one, the holder of the Shamarpa crown known as Khachö Wangpo, was asked to stay at Nenang in Tsurphu valley, the monastery of the sugata Jetsün Ritröpa. Yet, because a faction of disciples lacking in faith spread all sorts of scandals, he thought, “By staying here in this way, I cannot hold the seat of a guru; I am accumulating many evil deeds on top of not benefiting others.” When he was leaving for the snow range of Eight Sky Lha and elsewhere, he offered this parting message of advice to the disciples: The Song of the Bodhi Path.
During our sessions together we will explore the message within The Song of the Bodi Path, along with daily sing-alongs!
Moments of exchange with questions and answers will enable us to assist each other in developing a deeper experience with this text.
Questions, need assistance? Write to us at naturalbridge@bodhipath.org
*Events at Bodhi Path are open to everyone. The suggested donation is requested to support the program and the upkeep of the center. However, lack of means to make a contribution is never a reason to stay away.