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Three-and-a-half-day Fall Meditation Retreat: Bodhicitta in the Mahamudra Perspective (Natural Bridge)

October 24, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

USA-Eastern, All Americas

Let us take a moment of contemplation of the true nature of our mind while sitting, walking and having fruitful dialogues about what truly matters. During these sessions we will explore the techniques to help settle the mind in itself and learn how to uncover our own basic kindness and natural clarity. Moments of exchange with questions and answers will enable us to assist each other in developing a deeper experience of our mind.

Thursday, October 24 — 9am-5:30pm
Friday, October 25 — 9am–5:30pm
Saturday, October 26 — 9am–5:30pm
Sunday October 27, 9am—12noon

Format & Registration:
On site participation with advanced registration required (see our EZRegister page here). As space is limited, please consider the commitment of your attendance carefully before registering. Confirmation of your registration is required.


-Please bring your own food and any supplies needed for your comfort during the retreat. No lunches, snacks or beverages will be served. You will be responsible for all your own food and drinks, including breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

-Warm clothes recommended. Layers for best comfort.

-Chairs are provided.

-Meditation cushions will be made available.

*Suggested Donation:
Whole program — $120
Daily Walk-in Fee — $45

Our dharma teachers work purely by donation, therefore your generosity and benevolence with a separate teacher’s gift is most welcome.

*Events at Bodhi Path are open to everyone. The suggested donation is requested to support the program and the upkeep of the center. However, lack of means to make a contribution is never a reason to stay away.

For out-of-town participants, there are limited on-site, shared housing options filled on a first come, first served basis. Cost for on-site housing: 1–3 nights $55 per night; 4–7 nights $45 per night. For details and availability about these and other accommodation options please write to housingva@bodhipath.org

Questions, need assistance?
Write to us at naturalbridge@bodhipath.org


“Practice, in a sense, is the same as any kind of work. If we really want to succeed at something, then we have to put effort into it day after day. And if we want to reach the goal of the Dharma, then we must also apply ourselves to it day after day.”

— Lama Gendun Rinpoche

“The experience of the true nature of mind is non-conceptual. Free from all preconceived ideas, it is purely a direct experience. Ordinarily, we first perceive an object and then immediately identify it. For example, after we have seen a cup, we identify and name it. The very first instance of seeing is pure experience, before we get involved with conceptualization. So, even though there is a moment of pure experience in all perception, we usually miss it because it passes so quickly. Seeing the nature of mind is just such an experience. Before identifying, before naming, before engaging in conceptualization: That is pure seeing. Such a direct experience of the mind is called realization. Through abiding uninterruptedly and without distraction in this realization, the mind becomes progressively clearer and more stable. As time goes on, it manifests itself as pure wisdom.”

— Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche