Bodhi Path Teachers
Khaydroup Zangmo
Khaydroup moved to Boulder, Colorado in 1981 to join a newly formed team of psychologists from The Naropa Institute led by the psychiatrist Edward Podvoll, whom Khaydroup eventually married in 1986. She would be the first roommate in their innovative home environment approach to treating those suffering from the extremes of psychological illness. This group, called Windhorse Associates, has now mushroomed both in the US and Europe. Khaydroup maintains keen interest in their accomplishments.
Impressed by her colleagues, many of whom were students of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, she began to study and practice the Buddha’s teachings in earnest. In 1990, during a three month stay in India, many auspicious events led Khaydroup straight to the monastic community of the late Gendun Rinpoche in the Auvergne Region of France where she had the good fortune to be guided in two consecutive traditional Three Year retreats by this highly respected meditation master. After completing her second retreat in 1997, Khaydroup joined the women’s monastery and began teaching the Dharma in centers, schools and organizations in Europe and in the USA. At the request of the 14th Shamarpa, Khaydroup moved back to the US in 2000 to be a resident teacher at the Santa Barbara Bodhi Path Center. During the two years she was there, she helped found both the San Luis Obispo Bodhi Path and West Los Angeles Bodhi Path Centers. The West Los Angeles group moved to Pasadena in 2004 where Khaydroup continues as the resident teacher.
Khaydroup was also a primary school teacher for 15 years, owning and directing a Waldorf Preschool for the last five of those years. Born and raised in Los Angeles, she is now a lay practitioner and lives with her daughter, granddaughters, and assorted pets in South Pasadena.