In the book Boundless Wisdom, one of three main instruction texts completed by Shamar Rinpoche before his passing, the editor/translator Tina Draszczyk writes:
“While we were working on this book, Shamar Rinpoche once gave the following advice as to how a practitioner could integrate his three instruction texts, or manuals, as he liked to call them: Boundless Awakening, Boundless Wisdom, and The Path to Awakening.
- First, he recommended that the practitioner read the short booklet Boundless Awakening, which gives an overall idea of meditation practice and its importance.
- Second, the practitioner is invited to read chapters 1 and 2 of this book, Boundless Wisdom, and to practice accordingly. These two parts deal with the four approaches of spiritual practice, as well as the meditations of calm abiding and deep insight common to all Buddhist approaches.
- Third, the practitioner is encouraged to study the book The Path to Awakening up to the line: “Analyze the unborn nature of mind.” To deepen the understanding of this key instruction for training in ultimate bodhicitta, the practitioner is then invited to continue reading Boundless Wisdom, chapters 3 and 4. Regarding the line “Purify the strongest negative emotion first” and the two lines that follow it in The Path to Awakening, it is recommended that the practitioner implements the special practice of vipaśyanā as described in Boundless Wisdom, starting with chapter 5.
- Fourth, when reaching the line “In post meditation, know that all phenomena are illusory,” in The Path to Awakening, the practitioner is invited to focus on the instructions for Mahāyāna mind training, both in formal meditation practice and in daily life.
Shamar Rinpoche emphasized that a practitioner who engages in this kind of practice would definitely attain the state of awakening, because through this practice, the conditions come together that allow for an unfolding of the buddha potential inherent in every sentient being.”
Tags: Curriculum, Three Manuals