Gampopa 18th c. © Himalayan Art Collection

Conducts & Ethics

Buddhist conduct and ethics, grounded in mindfulness, form the basis of the path to awakening. They provide guidance in understanding which of our motives and actions are conducive to development on the path and which are not. Bodhi Path Centers teach conduct and ethics based on certain chapters of The Jewel Ornament of Liberation by Gampopa .

By Gampopa

Jewel Ornament of Liberation

Chapter 1: Buddha Nature

Understanding our birthright: the potential to awaken to the inherently enlightened nature of our mind.

Chapter 2: The working basis for the spiritual path

Understanding the precious human existence which allows us to engage on the spiritual path to awakening.

Chapter 3: The conditions required for spiritual progress

Understanding the importance of the spiritual guide.

Chapter 6: Karma and its result

Understanding the 10 virtuous and non-virtuous actions.

Chapters 9 – 11: Bodhicitta and the bodhisattva vow

Chapters 12 – 17: The six transcendent qualities (paramitas)

Exploring the qualities of generosity, ethical conduct, patience, enthusiastic effort, meditative concentration and wisdom.

Chapters 20 – 21: Buddhahood, the awakened state

Understanding Buddhahood as fruition, the state of awakening, and exploring a Buddha’s scopeof action.