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Wondering about meditation? Have questions or want to engage in discussion about related topics? Join our 9:00am Sunday discussion sessions before our regular weekly 10:30am meditation. All Sunday sessions are currently held at the Meditation Hall.
This is our schedule of discussion topics:
1st Sunday of the month: Introduction to Meditation—An introduction to Calm Abiding Meditation. All are invited.
2nd Sunday of the month: Applying Meditation in Our Daily Lives—Circle discussion on applying our practice in our everyday lives. All are welcome.
3rd Sunday of the month (and 4th Sunday in those months with 5 Sundays): BYOQ (Bring Your Own Questions)—Circle discussion with seasoned practitioners. All are welcome.
Sweep n Shine—Come join us in keeping all of our sacred spaces clean and shiny!
Please find our current COVID-19 protocol online here and posted at the center.