About the Center

Bodhi Path Center in Renchen-Ulm, Germany (located near Strasbourg, France) will be the main seat of Shamar Rinpoche in Europe. It is located between Strasbourg in the west, Offenburg in the south, Baden-Baden in the north and the northern Black forest in the east. The surrounding area offers a mild climate and a beautiful landscape with rolling hills, vineyards and many fruit trees.

Shamar Rinpoche had the wish to open a Bodhi Path Center close to Strasbourg and this wish is fulfilled in a wonderful way with the object in Renchen-Ulm. The house became the first European Bodhi Path Center and was inaugurated by Lama Jigme Rinpoche on the 5th March 2006.

Bodhi Path Buddhist Center e.V.

Kaierstrasse 18

D-77871 Renchen-Ulm


Tel: +49 (0)7843-7232
Fax: +49 (0)7843-9939321


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Weekly meditation is held Wednesdays at 7:30-9:00 pm; recommended also for beginners.

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