About the Group
The Bodhi Path Buddhist group of Calgary is part of an international network of Buddhist centers under the guidance of the 14th Shamar Rinpoche.
Bodhi Path Calgary was established in August, 2012 with the inaugural visit of Shamar Rinpoche. We offer a regular schedule of meditation sessions, discussion of Buddhist texts and teachings in accordance with the Bodhi Path curriculum established by Shamar Rinpoche.
Bodhi Path Dharma Teachers visit periodically to give teachings on meditation and Buddhist philosophy, helping us to understand how to integrate Dharma into our daily life. In addition, whenever possible, visiting lamas and highly trained teachers from Asia and Europe, may visit to give special courses and lectures.
All programs are open to anyone interested in learning more about meditation and Buddhism. Bodhi Path Calgary welcomes total beginners, experienced practitioners, and anyone in between. Come and meditate with us!
Bodhi Path Buddhist Group
Calgary, AB
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Center Resources
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Donate to Support the Center
We invite you to practice generosity towards our teachers and to help keep our center in action. We have no dues or fees. Please consider being part of our dynamic give and take, for the benefit of all beings.