About the Center
Nestled in the Italian Alps, in the remote Antrona Valley, lies the beautiful mountain village of Bordo. It is accessible only on foot via a century-old path.
The village was abandoned in the middle of the 20th century. A group of young Swiss and German people began to repair the houses in 1982, encouraged by the advice of Shamar Rinpoche, who gave the village the name “Karma Dechen Yangtse.” He then remained its spiritual guide. Soon after a meditation room was built and later on a stupa was constructed.
Many Rinpoches and Lamas have visited the place and have given teachings. In 2004 Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, came to Bordo and gave initiations. In 2006 Shamar Rinpoche visited and emphasized the qualities of Bordo as a place for a profound and authentic meditation practice. At present Bordo is under the spiritual guidance of Lama Jigme Rinpoche, with whom we coordinate our Dharma activities.
The village is owned by a Cooperative and activities are coordinated by the Dharma association. Both are nonprofit oriented and their aim is the restoration and maintenance of the village with the purpose of facilitating Dharma activities and spiritual growth.
Today activities run from spring to autumn whilst there is the possibility for seasoned practitioners, well experienced with Bordo, to make intense retreat also during the winter. During the activity phase there are daily regular meditations, where everybody present in the village may participate. Shamar Rinpoche encouraged the daily practice of Chenresi and the practice of Milarepa Tsog Puja on the day of the full moon. He also suggested that Shine and Lojong meditation be especially focused on and be taught regularly.
Bordo is especially suitable for intense Dharma retreats. We have 8 single and 7 double rooms where retreatants and participants of Dharma courses can be hosted. If no Lama or Dharma teacher is present applicants are requested to have already a stable practice, to prepare their retreat with a qualified teacher and to establish a regular schedule with 4 sessions a day. The minimum time for a retreat is one week, if possible from Saturday to Saturday. A contribution for lodging and meals is expected to cover the costs and help us maintain the place.
Sometimes it is possible to come to Bordo in a half retreat option, combining meditation and activity. The minimum time in this case is two weeks, preferably more. Together with the person in charge, you can define a daily schedule allowing you to deepen your personal practice and help in the village.
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Bodhi Path Buddhist Center
Karma Dechen Yangtse, Bodhi Path Retreat Center
Località di Bordo
I-28846, Borgomezzavalle
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Center Resources
Bordo—the place where your mind comes to rest.

Retreat Center
During his visit to Bordo, Shamar Rinpoche emphasized the qualities of the site for deep meditation and practice in retreat.

Courses offer an introduction and deepening into Buddhist practice with Bodhi Path course content and Buddhist guest courses.

The stupa is a feature of the retreat center.
Center News
Become a Supporter of Bodhi Path Bordo
The Italian Foundation “Karma Dechen Yangtse” that runs the Bordo Bodhi Path Retreat Center is a non-profit organization devoted to supporting the teachings of the Buddha and the spread of enlightened activity. Our special wish is to offer the possibility to do retreat in a very quiet place as emphasized by Shamar Rinpoche.
Any donations can be directed to:
Foundazione Karma Dechen Yangtse
loc. Bordo
I-28846 Borgomezzavalle
Banco BPM, Dip. 1437 Villadossola
IBAN: IT24 F 05034 45750 00000 00063 15
May all beings be happy!