Bodhi Path Teachers
Tsering Ngodup
Since 1983 Tsering Ngodup Yodsampa, under the spiritual direction of his root teacher the late 14th Kunzig Shamarpa, has devoted his life to sharing the Dharma in the world. Following Kunzig Shamarpa’s advice Tsering lived 17 years in Europe bridging East and West by translating for and interpreting Tibetan spiritual masters and scholars from all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
Continuing to follow the advice of Shamarpa, since 2000 Tsering has been in the USA translating and teaching Dharma. Based on Tsering’s experiences and knowledge accumulated through his service to the Dharma, the late Shamarpa authorized him to teach and share his knowledge and experiences in Bodhi Path Centers.
Presently most of Tsering’s time is dedicated to Buddhist chaplaincy at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, as a spiritual counselor and meditation instructor for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Bedford, Ma., and as a Field Education Supervisor to chaplaincy interns from the Harvard Divinity School Cambridge, Ma. Tsering provides support to patients and staff using a secular approach of the Indo-Tibetan tradition of mind training (lojong), a convergence of science and spirituality termed Cognitively Based Compassion Training. (CBCT). Tsering is the spiritual director and founder of Bodhi Tree Institute, where a group of dedicated students study and practice Dharma at bimonthly meetings.